July...that was my last post! Sorry, it has taken me so long to get back on here. Life kinda threw a wrench into my world and it has been a crazy year to say the least! Between moving to another state, moving again to a different town, going through a divorce and moving yet again...oh lord have I lost my mojo for crafting. It's been a crazy emotional roller coaster and I am ready to get off of it already! But all in time and I am slowly putting the pieces back. I still have a lot of work ahead of me but I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.
I have learned one thing: life is so unexpected! But it's all for lessons. As long as I can see the lesson in everything, it makes it all worth while. I tell you the big "D" has got to be the hardest thing I have ever gone through. At least I have to say that I am a lot stronger, my skin is a lot thicker and I am getting through it. Thank God for the support of my friends and family, they have been the best medicine!! Now to rediscover myself and start having fun :)
Since the move all my crafting tools and supplies are packed away...yet again! I did leave a couple of things out, I just have to find the time now to get back into creating and enjoy making something for a change. So hopefully I will be able to post something crafty soon. But I have created two things that I think are worth posting...let me know what you guys think!
I got a nice white netbook and thought: "Hhhhmmmm I think it's time to put some vinyl on that!" So after debating what to stick on my clean white netbook I came up with this...
I have to say that I am extremely happy the way this came out. I just love her flowing long hair. I have been growing out my hair for a while now and I haven't had long hair in quite some time. At this point in my life, I am loving my long hair. For a while I was into short hair, it was just easier to maintain with two kids. But since I love belly dancing I figured it was time to grow it out, long hair just looks so beautiful on a belly dancer! So this time around I am in love with my long hair. I still have more to grow but I am loving what I got! So this decal of a girl with long flowing hair fits me right now, perfect to represent me at the moment!
Here is a little something else I made and ohhhh I think he is just so adorable!!! I was over my cousins house and the kids wanted to play with some Play-Doh and of course I couldn't resist and had to play as well. So I came up with the cutest little robot...
Since it is Play-Doh by the time I got to taking a picture he kinda started drying out on me and cracking. But this just inspired me and I am ready to try out polymer clay. I have been wanting to play with it for a while and I think it will become a new hobby. So stay tuned for some clay creations that won't fall apart on me.
Slowly getting my creativity mojo back ;)
Shimmy Bean Creations
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Friday, July 30, 2010
Daily Om Article
A good way to start your morning, is to read something positive and inspiring. This is the article I got in my inbox today from Daily Om. This site provides inspirational articles and if you sign up for their newsletter you too can get daily articles. If you are interested in signing up, click here.
This is an article I can definitely relate to and thought I'd share it with all my fellow bloggers and creative friends. Read, enjoy and don't ever stop creating!!! It's good for your soul :)
Return and Reclaim
Returning to Creative Dreams
Our creativity is an important part of being a well-rounded human being. For many of us, this has been shut down.
As children, many of us entertained fantasies or even goals of being an actor, singer, dancer, artist, or musician. In some cases, we received enough encouragement to develop our abilities in those creative arenas, but somewhere along the way we stopped. This stopping may have been due to circumstances beyond our control or to our own unconscious acts of self-sabotage. Being creative can be scary in a world that seems to value logic over imagination and practicality over dreaming. We can forgive ourselves for shutting down or turning our attention away from our inner artist, but perhaps we can also take steps to reclaim our dreams.
In certain times and places, developing a creative ability was considered an important part of being a well-rounded human being. It was not necessary to be a professional or a masterly genius, because the act of creativity was valued in and of itself. It gifts are manifold—from the sheer pleasure of allowing our imaginations free reign to sharing and enjoying the fruits of our labor. Children share drawings and songs freely, without self-consciousness, and there is no reason why we cannot do the same thing. You may already be remembering some lost form of expression, such as making jewelry or writing songs. Your soul may be responding with an energetic lift as it feels its way back to a time when it was allowed to express itself freely. Your brain, on the other hand, may be throwing up obstacles, like the idea that you are too old or do not have the time.
The truth is, you are not too old, and if you have time to pick up a pen, you have time to make a doodle or write a haiku. Recognize that the obstacles you find before you have arisen from a place of fear and that they will wane in power every time you do something creative. Each creative act takes you deeper into a realm of beauty and magic, a realm that you have every right to return to and reclaim.
This is an article I can definitely relate to and thought I'd share it with all my fellow bloggers and creative friends. Read, enjoy and don't ever stop creating!!! It's good for your soul :)
Return and Reclaim
Returning to Creative Dreams
As children, many of us entertained fantasies or even goals of being an actor, singer, dancer, artist, or musician. In some cases, we received enough encouragement to develop our abilities in those creative arenas, but somewhere along the way we stopped. This stopping may have been due to circumstances beyond our control or to our own unconscious acts of self-sabotage. Being creative can be scary in a world that seems to value logic over imagination and practicality over dreaming. We can forgive ourselves for shutting down or turning our attention away from our inner artist, but perhaps we can also take steps to reclaim our dreams.
In certain times and places, developing a creative ability was considered an important part of being a well-rounded human being. It was not necessary to be a professional or a masterly genius, because the act of creativity was valued in and of itself. It gifts are manifold—from the sheer pleasure of allowing our imaginations free reign to sharing and enjoying the fruits of our labor. Children share drawings and songs freely, without self-consciousness, and there is no reason why we cannot do the same thing. You may already be remembering some lost form of expression, such as making jewelry or writing songs. Your soul may be responding with an energetic lift as it feels its way back to a time when it was allowed to express itself freely. Your brain, on the other hand, may be throwing up obstacles, like the idea that you are too old or do not have the time.
The truth is, you are not too old, and if you have time to pick up a pen, you have time to make a doodle or write a haiku. Recognize that the obstacles you find before you have arisen from a place of fear and that they will wane in power every time you do something creative. Each creative act takes you deeper into a realm of beauty and magic, a realm that you have every right to return to and reclaim.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sticker Book
So I was blog hopping one night and came across a really cool blog: Samster Mommy. This blog is so witty and funny and full of great ideas for my kids. My new thing is making things for Jake (2 1/2) and Kayla (1). My head is filled with so many projects I want to make for them. Either for when they get older or something they can use now. My problem is I have so many plans for projects but so little time! But I guess one thing at a time. I will eventually get to make them all!
I browsed and browsed and found a project I needed to make ASAP!! It is the DIY sticker book, which you can find a great tutorial here. What a great idea! Jake loves stickers but freaks out when he sticks them onto something and can't peel it off. So I had to stop giving him stickers, what was I going to use as a potty reward? I ended up using M & M's but it has now been a couple of weeks since he's shown any interest in the potty. But that is a different story, back to the sticker book...Samster's Mommy used an old book, spray adhesive, card stock, ribbon and freezer paper! How ingenious! That way you can stick and unstick the stickers without your child freaking out! So I got all my materials and got to work!
It wasn't too bad making the sticker book but it was a very sticky situation hehehe. I ended up using "Funky Tape" that I found at Michael's as a trim instead of the suggested ribbon because when I tried to hot glue the ribbon to the freezer paper it came off very easily. I'd figured I'd try this material instead. (Btw, the tape started to unstick about a day or two after I gave this to my son so if anyone figures out a different trim, please let me know!)
I finally finished his sticker book and he seemed to enjoy it! That is until he started to take the stickers off the sticker book and put them on his arm. So all that work and Jake just wanted stickers on his arms not the actual book! Kids will be kids! I guess he is still not ready for stickers! I ended up putting the book away for a later time or else my little menace of a boy would eventually tear it apart lol. That has been his new thing...destroying books. I've had to keep them out of reach and allowed usage under adult supervision!
This is his "cheese" face...silly boy!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Coming back slowly!
Ok, so I am slowly crafting again :) Back in NY but living somewhere temporarily. So all my craft tools and accessories are still packed away, but I couldn't help to unpack just a few of my crafting tools and get to creating! I can't wait to get organized and unpack it ALL!! I miss all my stuff. Just the ease of using things without having to go digging for them in a box will be nice. Unfortunately I am going to have to go back to work soon, so either way I won't be crafting as much. I hope to find some time here and there to create, create, create!! Between the job, kids, hubby and house there won't be enough time in the day to get it all done. But I will face that when it comes!
My first project since I moved is another baby wipe case!! I made one for a dear friend who just had a baby girl...I have to go visit her soon! Loving the look of this case, you can't go wrong with brown and pink!!
So after I made this one, I thought to myself...I need one too!! and decided to finally make something for myself. I am always making stuff for others, my turn ;)
I decided to go with a zebra pattern, hot pink ribbon and a hot pink flower. Let me tell you that my favorite color is brown so the one I made for my friend would be the one I would usually go for. But I wanted something different!! I wanted to go outside my box! and I am so glad I did...my zebra wipe case came out so COOL!!! Feels so NY!! hehehe. I am thinking of selling them on Etsy...do you think people would buy these???
Glad to be back home!!
My first project since I moved is another baby wipe case!! I made one for a dear friend who just had a baby girl...I have to go visit her soon! Loving the look of this case, you can't go wrong with brown and pink!!
So after I made this one, I thought to myself...I need one too!! and decided to finally make something for myself. I am always making stuff for others, my turn ;)
I decided to go with a zebra pattern, hot pink ribbon and a hot pink flower. Let me tell you that my favorite color is brown so the one I made for my friend would be the one I would usually go for. But I wanted something different!! I wanted to go outside my box! and I am so glad I did...my zebra wipe case came out so COOL!!! Feels so NY!! hehehe. I am thinking of selling them on Etsy...do you think people would buy these???
Glad to be back home!!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Packed away...
That is where my Cricut is!! I miss her so much! If you have been wondering why I haven't posted anything in over a month, it is because I am in the middle of packing. My family and I are moving back to New York at the end of this month. I also had to pack my craft room early because we had a flood in the basement from all the rain we got back in late March. It was a disaster down there but luckily I was able to save almost everything. I did loose a Jetmax Cube :( So bummed about that loss because it was the second one I had purchased. But at least I saved all of my other materials, specially my Cricut and computer.
I am itching to unpack and start creating again. So I will be back with something new soon!!!
I am itching to unpack and start creating again. So I will be back with something new soon!!!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Paper Toys - My New Hobby!
So while I was surfing the web on Friday I discovered something so cool! I am in love with this and I think it is quickly becoming my new hobby. It is called paper crafts. These are models constructed out of paper or card stock. You download a pattern from the designers website- cut, fold and glue.
I came across the website of paper engineer Tetsuya Watabe and his version of designer papercraft called ROMMY Sloth Paper Toys. Right now there are only two models on the website: "No.2" and "Panda Mood". Apparently from what I have read, he allows downloads for about a month and I have missed so many! I love paper folding and creating 3D paper projects so this is right up my alley and I can't believe I hadn't heard of this earlier.
I went online and did a Google search on paper toys and was so amazed at the different kinds! There are buildings, cars, Nintendo figurines, etc. You name it, someone has made a paper craft model of it! I even found a toilet paper craft hehehe.
I can't wait to print, cut, fold and glue some more. So far ROMMY's are my favorite! I am on a search to get the other models. Go try making one yourself. You'll see how much fun it is and you'll be hooked!
I came across the website of paper engineer Tetsuya Watabe and his version of designer papercraft called ROMMY Sloth Paper Toys. Right now there are only two models on the website: "No.2" and "Panda Mood". Apparently from what I have read, he allows downloads for about a month and I have missed so many! I love paper folding and creating 3D paper projects so this is right up my alley and I can't believe I hadn't heard of this earlier.
Panda Mood
This is another one of Tetsuya Watabe's models. You can find the pattern for this little guy called Zamber here. He also has the Koomarty models but those are for sale.
I can't wait to print, cut, fold and glue some more. So far ROMMY's are my favorite! I am on a search to get the other models. Go try making one yourself. You'll see how much fun it is and you'll be hooked!
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Belly Dance Performance
This performance was at the US Coast Guard Academy in New London, CT on March 24, 2010. Everyone at the academy was great, very attentive and helpful to make sure our show went as planned. They were so nice to invite us for dinner after the show. They had international week and I had some much needed Cuban meatloaf, rice and beans and fried plantains. Food was yummy!
Here are a couple of pictures of me and the rest of the beautiful dancers:

I hadn't performed in public since before giving birth to my daughter Kayla. I was nervous at first but it felt great going out there and dancing. After the second song all my nerves disappeared and I danced away freely. Can't wait to do it again in May :) Our troop is called The Jewels of Araby.
Here are a couple of pictures of me and the rest of the beautiful dancers:
Here is my new custom made veil by Sonya from Expressions.
Look how pretty our veils look! I just love our veil dances, it looks like beautiful wings fluttering through the air.

This is Habibi and we use our zills, always a crowd pleaser!

And this is our Egyptian dance using our canes. Check out my bedazzled cane in the previous post.
This is me and my awesome cousin Sharon who joined belly dancing shortly after I joined...we have so much fun together!
Oh and I have to add that my mom made my belly dance dress. Didn't it come out wonderful?! I wish I knew how to sew like her. She also made my wedding dress...maybe one day I will post a picture of that. She is so talented! Gracias Ma!
Thanks for looking!
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